For the treatment of worms in adults

Treatment of worm infections in adults is a complex event that allows you to quickly and efficiently make the parasites from the body. Worms are very dangerous for human health, than are found everywhere. In adults, parasites, which occur due to lack of hygiene or by eating unwashed vegetables, undercooked meat and contaminated water. To protect yourself from parasites, which is almost impossible, but can be easily cured. Would parasites from the human body in your home will help folk remedies and medicines.


That treatment can be effective, you need to pick up the drugs, based on the type of worm infection that plagues the body. The treatment of parasites can be home, if you choose the right tool. In adults, the most common pinworm, roundworm, Giardia, whipworm, Trichinella and tapeworms. Fight parasites, that have families, that after the treatment not to be infected with worms again. If you decide to heal yourself, then you need to consider that some antihistamines have a specific activity and toxic effect, therefore, the preparations against the worms must choose a doctor. Nothing wrong with worms no. Meet 60% of the population.

The human body can be the carrier of parasites, itself do not know, therefore, it is helpful in the fight against parasites is the prevention of helminthiasis. Despite the fact that worms is a common pathology, are definitely need for the treatment, because the parasites have a negative impact on human health. They destroy tissues and release of toxic substances that accumulate in your life. The presence of helminths may cause the development of chronic diseases. According to statistics, approximately 10 million people per year die from helminthiasis. It is therefore important to not ignore the first symptoms of the emergence of parasites, and immediately begin treatment, and then you can quickly get rid of the parasites and return to good health.

The causes of worms

Some types of parasites that can be transmitted to humans from Domestic animals, but most of the worms live in humans. Parasites can be in the form of eggs in the soil and water, but when they come in the human body, from the eggs come the larvae, which travels throughout the body. During the primary infection with the helminth eggs, the man can not be infected with worms. In this case, the incubation period of 3-4 weeks, and parasites from the body yourself. But the re-emergence of eggs in the human body and the immune system can not resist, and worms that survive.

Transmission from person to person – the main method of infection with helminth infections. This explains the susceptibility of children to these diseases. Children do not have good personal hygiene, and if one of their children to become parasites, then the rapid spread of the pathology in the small groups. To isolate yourself from worms is very difficult, but it is possible. Primary prevention of worms is to personal hygiene. Clean hands, especially the nails will protect you from the appearance of the parasites.


But they are the source of infection parasitic infections and more. Among the most common modes of transmission:

  • Geohelminths. This way, the penetration of worms in the human body due to contact with the external environment, in particular of the soil, and open water bodies. The eggs of parasites with the human faeces enter the soil and from there into the water. To enter the body, they can through unwashed hands on the fur and paws of animals who go out on the street, and with vegetables that grow in the earth.
  • Contact the way. Transfer the person from one person to another. Also ordinary handshake or the division of household appliances, which can cause infection.
  • Biogelmintoz. This way, the transfer characteristic for the lovers of meat and fish. This is associated with Geohelminths. Animals, especially cows, which eat the larvae along with the grass, and have survived, they stay in the meat. The same also applies to fish. Before use, the meat and fish you need to fry them thoroughly, to destroy the worm and does not infect.
  • Insects. Pick up the worms with insects, namely mosquitoes and flies. These may come in contact with the ground, infected with worms and the spread of their eggs on their paws.

Symptoms of worms in people

Symptoms depend on the localisation of the parasites in the body. The largest colony of worms are in the intestine, which subsequently can be to move throughout the body. May be asymptomatic helminthiasis that occurs in people with strong immune systems. With the arrival of the worms of the protective functions of the body weaken, and people who are prone to colds and disease. In the initial phase of the worm infection, the symptoms may disappear in pathological conditions or does not occur at all. Such properties of the parasites, which significantly complicate their identification. If it is time to listen to your body and pay attention to the symptoms is not typical for a healthy person, it is possible to find a violation of the associated with worms, with their basic look.

The main symptoms of helminthiasis in adults are:

  • violation of the chair;
  • changes in the consistency and color of stool;
  • excessive gas;
  • chronic constipation;
  • bad breath;
  • the burden of after meals;
  • insomnia;
  • allergic rash on the skin;
  • all unexplained weight loss;
  • increased appetite;
  • the development of anemia;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability;
  • a weak immune system;
  • pain in the region of the intestine of unknown etiology;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sensitivity to inflammatory processes.

A pathological condition of the patient may be accompanied by one or the whole set of symptoms. There may be a change in the condition, when the symptoms disappear themselves. Also, the symptoms depend on the type of worm infection. For some helminths of the characteristic lesions of the upper respiratory tract, so can appear related symptoms: cough, shortness of breath and fever. Some of the parasites during the breeding season to lay eggs in the rectum, so that can be a symptoms occur: itching in anal area and burning sensation when urinating. There are types of worms that penetrate into the muscles and tissues, causing pain and bleeding. The risk of parasites that can live in any human body: the liver, lungs, kidneys and even the brain. If you have the first symptoms of helminthiasis, it is necessary to take action and get rid of the parasites in the body.

How to get rid of the parasites in the home?

The treatment of helminthiasis will be more effective if the course will be held once all members of the family. Even if your loved one parasites who are not sick, this does not mean that there are not. The latent form of helminthiasis does not appear, and, of course, while worms will not survive to identify them. Even laboratory tests may not show the presence of worms, if the body is not at least one adult that releases toxins and causes the resistance of the immune system. For all types of parasites require different treatment regimens. This should be taken into account in the bot, because if you treat hookworms, and tapeworms of the body, no effectiveness of the cleansing will be.

One warning about the treatment of worms is selection of medicines. In anthelminthic drugs will help you to get rid of parasites, and treatment can be kept at home. All medicines, from worms have toxic effects, therefore, it is better that it is a medicine prescribed by the doctor after establishing the types of parasites.

The treatment of worms folk remedies

For those that are contrary treating worms, pills, alternative medicine offers a wide range of alternative assets. Folk medicine is very successful in treating worms, so there are a lot of different tools, which you can prepare at home.

  1. Wormwood.The effectiveness of wormwood is due to its antihistaminic properties. The herb is used for treatment of helminths in the form of powder or decoction. To eliminate the parasites you need to take 1 tablespoon of sage per day, or drink 500 ml of soup a day for 2 weeks.
  2. Tansy.The herb has a strong anthelmintic properties and allows you to quickly expel all parasites from the body. Tansy is used against worms in the form of a tincture. For its preparation you will need to take 250 grams of flowers of tansy, and pour 400 ml of vodka or alcohol. Insist week in a dark place. Take 25 to 30 drops after meals. The course of treatment for more than 10 days.
  3. Tansy
  4. Ginger.An excellent remedy against worms – ginger. It is effective on parasites that live in the intestine. It can be used for the treatment of infusion of ginger or mix ginger and honey. For the preparation of the grate 1 ginger root on a grater and pour 1 liter of cold water. Infuse in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Drink 1 glass before meal. For the preparation of the mixture, grate 1 ginger root, add 10 ml of. water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Store in a covered container in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. The treatment course of 3-4 weeks.
  5. Carnation.A decoction of clove is a strong antihistaminic effect. Sometimes in the soup, add cilantro, to enhance the effect. The cloves should be crushed in a coffee grinder and add the water. 50 grams of the pod should be 200 ml. of the water. Bring the soup to a boil and take 1 Cup before meals.
  6. Garlic.All of the recipes, with garlic having antihistaminic action. It can be used to eliminate parasites are: garlic oil, garlic, soup, garlic extract, lemon, garlic, garlic with milk.

All of these recipes allows you to quickly get rid of the worms. You can also use garlic local action as rectal suppositories.