Photo different types of worms

Despite the achievements of modern civilization in General and medicine in particular, the question is, what are the different types of worms and how they affect the human body, still useful. There are several types of worms, which you can see in the photo with the description. Different worms may not provide the same degree of risk to humans, but in any case, strike the immune system and can lead to the development of other diseases.

In the human body parasites 2 types of worms: round (nematodes) and flat (tapeworms and flukes).

the worms in the photo


One of the main features of nematodes is their extraordinary durability. Can survive even after 5 years in formalin. Among the other features of roundworms should be identified:

  • the rapid development of a primitive life cycle;
  • a simple digestive system, consisting of a straight tube from the mouth to the anus;
  • fast reproduction;
  • movement, intense movement of the organs of the host.

The most common and most dangerous types of roundworms include: pinworms, ascarids, vlasoglavy, Trichinella, Giardia.


Pinworms – the worms are usually white in color. Males are very small, not more than 5 mm, while the length of the Mature females, which is greater than 1, see the picture pinworms reminiscent of the sticks with sharp ends. The symptoms appear after 5-6 hours after ingestion. The female lays eggs in the folds of the anus, after which the newly hatched worm sneaks up the gut.

If pinworms struck the body gives the following signs – itching in the anus, intestinal disorders, irritability, nausea. Usually this type of worms affect the small children who tend to put things in your mouth, and not enough personal hygiene.


Unlike the pinworm roundworm having a large dimensions from 15 to 40 cm of the Eggs, the larvae enter the digestive system, where they continue to parasitize before the final maturity date. Roundworm lives for about a year. When infected person suffers from pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, allergic reactions.

Important! Every patient can be an individual of responding to infection with this type of worms. The severity of symptoms can vary from minor illness to serious manifestations.


The name of the worm is received due to the thin and long shaped body of the hair. Most often lives in the caecum. The length of the parasite from 5.5 mm (females) to 4.5 cm (men). The sharp front end of the whipworm pierces the mucous membranes in the intestines, therefore eating the blood and tissue fluids. Whipworm has symptoms that are similar to the presentation of the activities of other parasites.

Among the specific symptoms are:

  • feelings similar to appendicitis;
  • the development of polyps and cysts in the habitat of the parasite;
  • ulcers the stomach;
  • epileptic attacks.

The Species Trichinella

Treatment of roundworms, which are parasitic to organisms of many species of domestic and wild animals (badgers, wild boars). The main mode of infection – ingestion of raw meat or products from infected meat, cooked rare.

Just a few days, you will need the larva of Trichinella to full maturation in the duodenum. Good mobility allows the parasite to penetrate into the different organs together with blood. In severe cases of trichinosis gives a complication in the respiratory, Central nervous and cardiovascular system. If left untreated, the infection can even lead to death.


The size of these malicious worms are so small that they only under a microscope. However, the damage to the body, especially for children, are great. With the help of flagella on the body of the parasite, attaches itself to the mucous membrane of the intestine, taking away all the nutrients.

Giardia is very successful and can be active any time of the year. They can be:

  • in the untreated water;
  • dirty hands, unwashed vegetables, fruits;
  • in the soil, sand;
  • the toys, dishes, household items.

One of the special characters giardiasis is a pink-red rash on the skin accompanied by itching and long-term severe diarrhea with fetid smell.

Flat worms

This type of worm has a tapered body in the form of sheet or strap. In contrast with the round, flat worms have the characteristics of both male and female. All the vital systems of these worms, should be distributed on the digestive and excretory. Human parasites include flukes and tapeworms. In humans flatworms are mounted on the walls of the organs or vessels using the suction cup.

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The parasite is flat in shape, reaching 5 cm in length. It got its name due to the common localization in the liver. You can also live a gallbladder and pancreas due to its two suckers: oral and ventral. At the beginning of the development cycle of the helminth faeces, infected with it the eggs, penetrate the soil and water. Then through the intermediate host, the mollusk, the eggs are transferred into the body of the fish, where the hatching larvae are specific in their body. Consumption of contaminated fish, causing dangerous disease opisthorchiasis.

To get infected by this kind of worms can be from eating under-cooked meat of bream, carp, roach, gudgeon, crucian carp and other fish. Among the symptoms are:

  • the increase in body temperature;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • the gallbladder colic;
  • acute pain on the right side;
  • and loss of appetite.

Important! Damage analysis of the Fluke is often complicated. In the transition of opisthorchiasis in the chronic form, the symptoms of similar diseases, such as gastritis and pancreatitis.

beef tapeworm

Beef and pork tapeworm

These two types of parasitic tapeworms have different intermediate hosts, but the place of residence of the people. Beef tapeworm is the largest of all intruders of the human body. Its length is 10 m.

Pork tapeworm easier to expel from the body, but this is very dangerous because it can migrate not only in the intestine but also in brain, liver and even the eyes of man. At the beginning of the disease is almost asymptomatic, but later it shows:

  • nausea, insomnia, headache;
  • heartburn, nausea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • exit with feces of the bovine tapeworm segments;
  • sudden changes: from hunger, to increased appetite;
  • anemia.


This type of worms live in dogs, foxes, wolves, and occasionally cats. The look and manner of fastening it in the body of living beings are the same as in other types of flatworms. Among persons who are at risk include those who work with animals (hunters, shepherds). Symptoms of echinococcosis are reminiscent of liver diseases. In addition, stool disorders, and General malaise common symptom is icteric discoloration of the skin.


Despite the heavy flow of diseases caused by helminths, there are many effective medications that relieve the human body from all kinds of worms. The main feature of a tablet for the worms is their high toxicity, so in the choice must take account of the degree of infection, a person's age, concomitant diseases and the General safety of the product. Consider the most effective and safe products that help to cleanse the body of parasitic infestations.

Important! Self-selection of tablets from worms, without consulting with the physician, is unacceptable! Overdose may cause, that the body does less damage, as infection with worms!

Some medications can be taken as a preventive. Prevention is necessary, if the infected worms were detected in one of the family members, or the presence of Domestic animals. Great importance should be given to the cleanliness of the hands, especially in young children, the regular cleaning of the premises, in accordance with all the rules of safe cooking.